2024 Summer Program Offerings
Hello SOMSD Families,
We are excited to offer a wide range of summer programs this year and hope that many of our students will take advantage of this opportunity. We will once again use Community Pass for our summer program registration. Please use this link starting today, May 3, 2024, to begin the process: SOMSD Community Pass. At this time, there are over 100 different course offerings this summer so please take your time to read through the descriptions below and find the correct school and program for your child.
This summer, our District will also continue renovation projects at many of our schools. Montrose, Marshall, Maplewood Middle School, and Columbia High School will all be under construction. We are committed to using every available classroom to offer as much in-person learning as possible. While we are not capping our student numbers at this time, each registration will be time-stamped, and each class (excluding CHS credit recovery) will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please enroll your child into the grade level that they are CURRENTLY enrolled in for the 2023 - 2024 school year.
For specific questions related to a summer program, please reach out to the point of contact (i.e. building principal, unless stated otherwise) listed in the chart below for your respective program.
Important! All academic classes are offered in the mornings to allow students to attend music classes (grades 5-12) and/or book club (grades 3-8) in the afternoons or evenings. Students may sign up for as many classes as they would like.
You only have to enroll one time. If you enrolled directly through Seth Boyden, you do not need to enroll
again through Community Pass.
Please note:
There is a fee for the credit recovery program, the math advancement, and 21st-century career summer
classes at South Orange Middle School. You should contact Assistant Principal Tracie Morrison
(tmorriso@nullsomsd.k12.nj.us ), and STEM Supervisor Corrina Parsio (cparsio@nullsomsd.k12.nj.us ) if you
need financial assistance in this area.