Mr. Christopher Preston
Supervisor of Social Studies, K - 12
p: (973) 762 - 5600 ext 1130
The Mission of the South Orange and Maplewood School District’s Social Studies program is for all students to develop the skills and knowledge required to understand their world and to participate as socially responsible citizens.
In achieving this mission students must:
Acquire an understanding of American society and its traditions and values based on knowledge of history and the development and functioning of the American constitutional system of government
Develop critical thinking skills, which enable them to function as lifelong learners and to examine and evaluate issues of importance to all Americans;
Acquire literacy in the core disciplines of Social Studies and have the essential skills and understandings needed to apply this knowledge to their lives as citizens;
Understand world history as the context for United States history and as a record of the great civilizations and cultures of the past and present;
Participate in activities that enhance the common good and increase the general welfare.
The goals of the Social Studies program of the South Orange and MaplewoodSchool District are aligned with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Social Studies.
All Students will:
Utilize historical thinking, problem solving, research and communication skills to maximize their understanding of civics, history, geography and economics.
Know, understand, and appreciate the values and principles of American democracy and the rights, responsibilities, and roles of a citizen in the nation and the world.
Demonstrate knowledge of world history in order to understand life and events in the past and how they relate to the present and future.
Demonstrate knowledge of the United States and New Jersey history in order to understand life and events in the past and how they relate to the present and future.
Acquire an understanding of key economic principles.
Apply knowledge of spatial relationships and other geographic skills to understand human behavior in relation to the physical and cultural environment.