Hello Parents/Guardians,
Important note from the District for incoming kindergarten parents/guardians: Please note all registered incoming Kindergarten parents should expect to receive their assignment letter from their schools by end of this week (latest early next week). Marshall parents/guardians will receive assignment letters the week of June 29.
2020 – 2021 Kindergarten Supply Kit Orders
Every year, our elementary school PTAs offer families the ability to order school supply kits. The list for supplies comes straight from our teachers, so you won’t have to worry about shopping in the fall!
You can follow the links below for your school. Enter your school code and choose the kindergarten box. Unless noted otherwise, school kits will be shipped to your address.
We’re also including the web address for your school PTAs. We encourage you to check yours and sign up for the regular eblasts. It’s a great way to know what’s going on at school and how to get involved!
It’s good to note that in addition to these school supplies, it is recommended that your child has a backpack or other bag for school (big enough to hold standard folders and books), a reusable water bottle, and a lunchbox or bag if they will be bringing lunch.
https://www.shopttkits.com | Code: 88821
Deadline: 6/21/20
PTA Website: https://clintonpta.membershiptoolkit.com/
https://www.shopttkits.com | Code: 50094
Deadline: 6/26/20
PTA Website: https://marshall-pta.membershiptoolkit.com/
*NOTE: These supply kits may be delivered to one location and distributed. The PTA will let you know!
Seth Boyden
Deadline: 7/1/20
PTA Website: http://www.sethboydenpta.org/
South Mountain
https://www.shopttkits.com | Code: 89248
Deadline: 6/19/20
PTA Website: https://southmountainpta.membershiptoolkit.com/