Hall of Fame
Each year the Student council will select an inductee for the CHS Hall of Fame. The honorees will be chosen from past graduates of the school either through faculty suggestions or from student-generated interest. The Library will attempt to keep informational folders in the Archives Room on all notable graduates. The selection, in any academic year, shall be limited to no more than two honorees. The former graduates that are to be honored should have been role models for other students while they, themselves, were students in CHS. They should be distinguished in their current fields of endeavor, be leaders in their professions, and have dedication towards the betterment of society. So that a true assessment of their importance can be made, they should be at the general peak of their careers. Therefore, they should have graduated 10-25 years prior to their induction. While this last part is not a requirement, it does serve as a guideline that allows enough time for the honorees to have developed a proven track record that is worthy of emulation by the current student body. The designations shall be kept a secret known only by the least number of people involved in the selection process of that year. In the springtime, the honorees will be announced and an all school assembly will be held to:
Lastly, the honorees will be given an inscribed plaque as a souvenir of the day and a duplicate will be put at a place of honor within the school library. Inductees
* Posthumous Award