On Tuesday, November 27, Seth Boyden welcomed The Story Pirates in two assemblies (one for K-2, one for 3-5). The Story Pirates turn kids’ original stories into wild sketch comedy musicals featuring professional actors. The show was great fun; it featured stories written by kids all over the tri-state area, with enough of a variety of stories that there was something for each audience member to enjoy. The students seemed to especially like the part where the cast took suggestions from the audience and acted out a brand-new story, “written” by Seth Boyden students.
The PTA has donated six copies of the Story Pirates’ first book, Stuck in the Stone Age, to the Seth Boyden library for students to enjoy at their leisure. If your child wants to submit a story to the Story Pirates, s/he can do it through www.storypirates.com, and the group has a kids’ podcast available through Apple podcasts or Spotify.
Below: The Story Pirates performing “The Fish vs. My Brother” by Samantha Victor, a 4th-grader from P.S. 154 in Manhattan, for Seth Boyden students.
Author: Susanna Einstein