Tuscan Traffic Pattern
The Maplewood Township Committee, the Maplewood Police Department and the South Orange Maplewood School District are working together to improve traffic and pedestrian safety in the area of Tuscan School. The goal is to create a safer environment around Tuscan School during the morning student drop-offs and afternoon pick-ups.
The following traffic pattern will remain in effect on school days as follows:
8:00 am to 9:00 am
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm on 4 hour days when applicable
2:45 to 3:45 pm
- Harvard Avenue will be blocked off with barricades at Valley Street preventing east bound traffic (uphill) on Harvard Ave
- Osborne Terrace will be blocked off with barricades at Girard Place preventing north bound traffic towards Harvard Ave
Harvard Ave residents are asked to follow the flow of traffic during these times.
Parents dropping off children are asked not to make “K-turns” on Harvard and continue west on Harvard Ave to Valley Street as making a “K-turn” creates not only a hazardous condition but may cause additional traffic delays.
Parents are reminded that there is No Parking permitted in front of the school.
We strongly recommend that you walk your child to and from school, when possible. If you drive, please take a route that allows you to follow the flow of traffic around Tuscan School, or park on streets further away from the school.
This traffic pattern is part of an ongoing effort to improve student drop-off/pick-up, staff parking, traffic issues, and safety of our students. Similar initiatives are planned for other SOMSD schools in Maplewood as well. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and welcome suggestions and/or additional concerns. Please send all comments and recommendations to policechief@nulltwp.maplewood.nj.us
We appreciate your continued partnership as we work to ensure the safety and well-being of the entire Tuscan community.
Maplewood Police Chief Jim DeVaul
Tuscan Principal Malikah Majeed
SOMSD Director of Safety & Security Tom Shea