SOMSD Utilizes Danielson Framework to Evaluate Teachers
Consistent with New Jersey Department of Education’s requirements for the hiring and employment of staff members, the South Orange & Maplewood Board of Education operates in compliance with the state Department of Education’s New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum (NJQSAC) by fulfilling the six required indicators:
- Evaluation of staff (includes summative evaluation scores using an approved evaluation instrument);
- Professional learning of staff (includes professional development plan);
- Provisional certification of staff (includes mentoring and standard certification attainment);
- Staffing practices (includes criminal history clearance, physical exams, personnel file maintenance);
- Position control roster (includes base salary, position type, status, stipends, tracking #) and;
- Supervision and feedback (Includes employee evaluation and goal setting).
The South Orange & Maplewood School District (SOMSD) uses the state and SOMSD board-approved Danielson Framework for Teaching in the annual evaluation of staff. The Framework for Teaching is a common language for instructional practice that is grounded in a philosophical approach to and understanding of great teaching and the nature of learning. The Framework was developed not only to define great teaching and elevate the profession but also to outline a comprehensive approach to teacher professional learning across the career continuum – from pre-service teacher preparation through teacher leadership (The Danielson Group).
The framework consists of four Domains that reflect a comprehensive approach to the evaluation process:
- Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
- Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
- Domain 3: Instruction
- Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
Renowned educator and creator of the Danielson Framework, Charlotte Danielson, shares that these components reflect not only the complexities of teaching but also “those aspects of a teacher’s responsibilities that have been documented through empirical studies and theoretical research to promote improved student learning.”
All staff members are required to have annual training on their evaluation instrument, and all administrators must also take and pass an annual re-certification on the framework prior to conducting staff observations.
Dr. Gayle Carrick, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Administration