Library Catalog (OPAC)
Below are the links to each of our schools library catalog. You do not need to log in to search for books. You can search for books by keyword, title, author, keyword or series. Please explore all the great books we have in our schools. If you can’t find a specific book, we can search the other district schools to see if their library has it.
Students in Grades 3-5: If you want to reserve books, remember you need to log in to your account and reserve them there. I will get them to you as soon as I can when they are available.
Click on the word OPAC to get to the library catalog at each school. Remember, you don't need to log in to use the catalog. Just click on the catalog tab. OPAC-Online Public Access Catalog
Access South Mountain's online card catalog (OPAC)
Access South Mountain Annex's online card catalog (OPAC)