Battle of the Books
The Battle of the Books is a reading motivational program which strives to encourage the pleasure of reading. For ten weeks,students will be part of an exciting challenge that requires reading and teamwork. There are ten amazing titles on the list this year. The books will be read independently for pleasure and to help their team.
The purpose of the Battle of the Books is:
- To build reading fluency and comprehension
- To work cooperatively as a team
- To create a shared experience withthe grade level
- To expose students to some new authors/series
Students will be place on a balanced team of 4-6 students from their class. In the “battle”, each team will be asked ten different questions. All questions begin with “in what book…” and relate to character, plot, events and setting. Points are awarded for the correct title and author. The team members have thirty seconds to confer and give their answer. The students will take turns answering the questions. They should use their special bookmark to study the titles of the books and the authors.
Every student is expected to read at least three of these books over the next ten weeks. However, keep in mind that the more books you read, the better prepared you will be to help your team win. The team that wins from each class will compete in a final battle against each other. Awards are earned by the number of books read. All students will receive a certificate for participation. The student’s special bookmark will need to be turned in to get credit for the books read.