In February, the South Mountain Student Council took on a challenge from our Principal Mr. Mason to develop a Coat of Arms that best represents our school community. This was a collaborative effort which included all stakeholders involved in educating our South Mountain Students. A Coat of Arms in its historical uses became popular during the 12 century to identify Knights, groups, and various organizations within society. With this concept in mind, our Student Council issued a challenge to our superstars to come up with a picture that best represents all the amazing things South Mountain represents. Many students submitted pictures and these pictures were then voted on bringing us to just one final amazing picture. The student picture that received the most votes was created by Aviana Rao in 5th grade. In addition to Aviana’s amazing student picture, we have combined a picture from our teachers, our parents, and our administrators. The final Coat of Arms can be seen below.
Thank you to the SMS Student Council and Mr. K. for all their hard work putting this together.