SOMSD Equity in Integration Symposium | Wed., January 8, 2020 @ 7pm – 9pm
Location: Columbia High School Auditorium
Join us to discuss the SOMSD Intentional Integration initiative. The Office of the Superintendent invites you as we re-engage the community including parents, students, administrators, teachers, staff and concerned citizens regarding the SOMSD Intentional Integration Initiative (SII). We’ll hear from our District Superintendent as well as leading scholars in the areas of equity, access, and integration in the K-12 landscape. The symposium will look at desegregation efforts from a historical, social, legal and educational lens. Speakers will share about the effects of integration, examples of successful/unsuccessful efforts, the process of achieving integration and the sustainability of integration. In addition, models that may best fit the SOMSD community will be discussed. Q&A and community dialogue will follow.
The symposium agenda will focus on:
- Overview of Equity in Integration (SOMSD’s mission/vision on integration), Dr. Ronald G. Taylor, Superintendent of Schools
- Conversation on Equity in Integration (moderated by Dr. Eddie Fergus, with special guests, Elise Boddie, Esq. and Dr. Erica Frankenberg)
- Community dialogue on Equity in Integration