MMS School-Sponsored Clubs & Activities

MMS Additional Activities
YouthNet is a local 501(c3) non-profit now entering its 14th year.
Extended Enrichment Program (EEP) in the middle schools from dismissal-6:00PM
- Tutoring is provided by MMS teachers who staff the program
- Students enrolled in the program have access to the gym and all YouthNet clubs.
- The program is located in the MMS library
- No one is denied access for financial reasons
- Dominique Laing-Rogers, MMS teacher, serves as the on-site coordinator for YouthNet. Her email address is
- YouthNet clubs are offered in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Each session is six weeks long. Clubs vary each session. You can take as many clubs as you like!
- Past clubs have included: MMS Fitness, Spectrum Club, Nail Art, Origami, Stay Late and Create, Gardening, Adventurers, Creative Writing, Social Justice, Girls Who Code, Real Talk/SOS, Marvel/DC Comics, Genius Bar, and Dance Revolution. There are new and returning clubs each year!
- No fee charge for individual clubs. A $40 registration allows your student to take as many clubs as they like per session.
- All clubs are taught by MMS teachers/staff members and take place in the gym or the teachers’ classrooms
- Youthnet clubs are open to all students
- No one is denied access for financial reasons
To enroll online or find out more go to or send an email to
What is the Hub?
The Hub is a school-based youth services program managed by Family Connections, Inc. and funded by New Jersey Department of Children and Families. 11 years ago, Family Connections was invited to be a partner with the South Orange –Maplewood School District to create The Hub to provide a variety of services at Maplewood Middle School including therapeutic recreation, academic support, counseling, and enrichment activities.
Family Connections is a non-profit agency based in Essex County with more than 30 specialized programs for all ages from infants to seniors.
Enrichment Activities include groups ( Chat ‘n Chew lunch program, mentor group, and empowerment groups), field trips (e.g., Rebounderz of Edison, bowling, rock climbing, movies, etc), events (e.g., Black History Month activities, Multicultural Dinner, Costume Party, etc) recreation (e.g., video games, basketball, board games), and clubs (arts and crafts club and intramural basketball).
How much does it cost?
It’s FREE! The NJ Department of Families and Children provides an annual grant to pay for all supplies and activities.
How do I enroll my child in The Hub?
All you have to do is sign a consent form and your child can participate in all activities. Consent forms is here: Hub Consent Form
When is it open?
The Hub is open 9:30am to 5:30pm during regular school days and 12:30-3pm during half days. We are open during Spring Break from 12pm to 3pm unless we have a field trip.
What does non-custodial supervision mean?
All services at The Hub are voluntary and students chose to participate in our programs and services. They may choose to get something to eat in the Village, but we strongly encourage them to come back to The Hub by 4pm. We keep daily attendance and supervise them closely while in the program, but we are not able to monitor where the students go prior to or after leaving The Hub.
Who works at The Hub?
- Coordinator: Caroline Raba, LPC
- Youth Development Specialist: Quandra Milton qmilton@familyconnectionsnj.
org - Youth Development Specialist: Makeda Hagans mhagans@familyconnectionsnj.
org - Social Worker: Ann Koenig, (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)

Saturday Freedom School for students in grades 8 - 12 (runs from December - March). To sign up visit: