The Federal Government (FCC) is assisting schools with the purchase of technology for home use via the available Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF). In order to apply for the funds, the South Orange Maplewood School District (SOMSD) needs your assistance in completing an important survey (needs assessment) that must be conducted before requesting federal funds to be used for the purchase of technology for students in the SOMSD. This is funding that is to be used strictly for the purchase of technology for students who currently do not have a device at home for learning outside of school hours.
SOMSD is asking parents/guardians of students in grades PK-12 complete this survey for each child attending school in the District during the 2021-22 school year to determine who has an unmet need.
PLEASE NOTE: The funding that is being applied for is strictly for students who do not have a personal computer at home. By indicating NO on the survey, you are indicating that your child does not have a personal device at home for learning after school hours.
The District will be using the information you provide to request funding from the Federal government. By submitting the completed survey, you are hereby certifying that your responses are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and may be used for that specific purpose.
This survey will be open until July 30, 2021 at 4:00 PM
Click Here To Complete The Needs Assessment Survey
Haga clic aquí para completar la encuesta de evaluación de necesidades