Please click here for the ESY registration letter and form.
Is it hard to believe how quickly the end of the school year is approaching and we have been quite busy planning for ESY
2019. The District’s ESY Program will provide additional time for students, beyond the school year, to help sustain and
develop their academic and social skills. Students will be exposed to language arts, mathematics and social skills
instruction. Unlike previous years, social skills will be a critical component of the program for all participating students.
An extension of related services, as stipulated in the student’s IEP, will be provided.
The ESY Program will be in session from June 27, 2019 – August 8, 2019 Monday through Friday
We encourage every parent/guardian who is considering ESY for their child to register early written confirmation for us
to be able to secure staff and transportation services.
The academic portion of the program will focus on mathematics and reading skills as stipulated in students’ IEPS.
Students in the autism program will continue to follow their individually designed programs incorporating specialized
strategies. Furthermore, the District’s ESY Program will incorporate a social skills curriculum. Instruction will be
supported by the use of online resources proven to be effective in strengthening reading skill development. Progress
reports will be shared with parents at the end of the program.
Our special education teachers may not work during our ESY Program, so it is likely that your child may not have the
same teacher as his/her classroom teacher from the 2018-2019 school year.
Kindly complete the attached Extended School Year Application 2019 and return it to your child’s teacher, no later than
Friday, March 22, 2019.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to your child’s case manager.