NJGPA results are now available from the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction:
Available September 9, 2024
NJGPA results are now available from the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction:
Available September 9, 2024
Good Morning South Orange & Maplewood School District Community,
It is with a heavy heart that I write to you this morning. The senseless act of violence that occurred yesterday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, TX stole the lives of 19 students and I believe we all woke up this morning feeling more burdened and saddened at yet another school tragedy inflicted by gun violence. Please know this morning resources and talking scripts were shared with our staff members so that they are able to help students process this tragedy. In addition our school social workers and counselors are on hand to offer support to students and staff who are struggling today and will be available to offer support in the coming days.
As a District, we want to assure families that the safety and security of our students and school facilities is always our top priority. We continue to work in partnership with our Board of Education and local police departments to improve our safety practices and protocols. Below is a list of resources that may help aid you in how to speak and support children in the aftermath of school violence.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s School Counselor or Principal if you feel further assistance is needed. Thank you.
Dr. Ronald G. Taylor, Superintendent of Schools
Hello SOMSD Community,
We continue to prioritize keeping our students in school as much as possible for a full day of in-person learning. Based on the most recent COVID-19 Activity Level Index (CALI) Report released by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), Essex County as well as the majority of NJ, is now considered in high community transmission (orange).
According to the NJDOH for schools that choose not to institute a universal masking policy, it is recommended that schools should strongly consider universal masking during CALI score of high (orange) – for all students and staff, especially if there is difficulty incorporating other layered prevention strategies (e.g., adequate spacing of students). Furthermore, the NJDOH also clarifies that – during an outbreak or a general increase in cases, schools should consult with their local health departments as to whether short-term universal masking or masking in affected classrooms should be required to control the outbreak/increase in cases.
Currently, due to several classroom outbreaks, two of our school communities, Clinton Elementary and South Mountain Elementary (big school) have been required to shift to a mandatory short-term “universal masking” indoors/buses for all staff and students.
While the NJDOH and the local health departments strongly recommend “universal masking” during high COVID community transmission, as a District, we are not instituting a District-wide return to mandatory “universal masking.” This is due to the fact that the outbreaks identified by our local departments of health were contained to the respective schools and/ or classrooms and the appropriate actions have been taken.
However, with the rise in outbreaks in our District over the past two weeks and the new information from the state, we are strongly recommending that all students/staff consider masking while indoors and on the bus. Based on the information we’ve provided, we are leaving it at the discretion of parents/staff to determine the best decision for themselves and their families and will respect the choices made by our students and staff.
Presently, mandatory indoor masking will be required for the following cases:
The current mitigation strategies will continue to be followed:
We encourage you to visit the District’s Covid-19 dashboard [https://www.somsd.k12.nj.us/coviddata/] for a snapshot of weekly reported Covid cases (as a reminder the dashboard only accounts for lab confirmed tests). Moving forward we will also include two new fields to the Dashboard to inform the greater community of major outbreaks or school closures across the District:
In addition, later next week we will update our current 2021-22 School Year & Covid webpage to reflect the District’s most current Covid guidelines and protocols, as well as include FAQs for common questions that we have received from our parent community.
As always, the health and safety of everyone in our school buildings is our top priority. As such, we are closely following the recommendations of our state and local health officials. As these recommendations change, we will adjust our health and safety protocols accordingly. It remains possible that we may need to re-implement our mask policy if the numbers of positive COVID-19 cases in our schools or community increase.
We thank you for your support and understanding.
We understand the level of concern regarding COVID-19; and we encourage parents and students to continue following the CDC and NJDOH promoted safeguards, such as
South Orange & Maplewood School District
SOMSD Community,
Due to the impending inclement weather and potentially challenging driving conditions, out of an abundance of caution, our District will be shifting to an early dismissal schedule for today Friday February 4. This is to ensure that our students and staff can get home safely. All after school clubs and CHS sporting activities for today will also be canceled. Students and families enrolled in the YMCA aftercare will receive additional guidance under separate cover, directly from the YMCA.
You can view your school’s early dismissal schedule below or visit the “school hours webpage” – https://www.somsd.k12.nj.us/about/hours/