Student Opportunities
Most of the programs listed below are highly competitive. All are free. Some provide transportation as well as well as stipends. A few are only open to minorities, women or low-income students.
Residential Programs
- Explore NJ Summer Geoscience Institute
- Governor's School of New Jersey Summer Residential Program
- College of New Jersey Pre-Engineering Academy
- Carnegie Mellon Summer Academy for Mathematics & Science
- Rensselaer PREFACE Summer Program
- Clark Scholars Summer Program at Texas Tech
- Jackson Laboratory Summer Student Program
- MIT Summer Research Science Institute
- MIT Summer Minority Program in Engineering
- MIT Women's Technology Summer Program
- MIT Minority Introduction to Science & Engineering
- NOAA Geosciences Summer Program
- William Patterson University AIM High Academy Summer of Science
- Rutgers University AIM High Academy in Ecology
- Summer College at Caldwell
- U.S. Army UNITE STEM Program
Overseas Residential Programs
- International Astronomical Youth Camp
There is a fee for this program, but scholarships are available.
- Liberty Science Center Partners in Science Summer Program
- Columbia University Saturday Science Honors Program
- NASA New York City Summer Research Institute
The competitions listed below have varying requirements. Some allow you to compete individually while others are team based. Some require teacher sponsorship. Many offer scholarships or other awards. Please speak with your science teacher for advice and support if you are interested in participating in a competition.
Essay Competitions
- NASA Space Settlement Contest
- Young Naturalist Competition
- ASHG DNA Essay Contest
- DuPont Science Essay Contest
- NASA NextGen Research Paper Contest
- Dartmouth University International Science Essay Competition for High School Students
Other Competitions
- First Tech Challenge
- West Point Bridge Design Contest
- Toshiba ExploraVision
- Thomas Edison Invention Challenge
- Steven's Institute of Technology High School Ethics Bowl
- Siemens Competition
- Intel Science Search